One of the great joys of being a follower of Christ is the opportunity to serve others. Just as Jesus wrapped a towel around himself and washed his friends’ feet. It is a powerful illustration of how we should care for others.

The late Bishop T.F. Tenney once said, “believers should be in to ‘towels’ not ‘titles.’” What he was saying is, no one person or their position is greater than our mission. At the end of he day we are meant for community and that means serving one another.

We each have a critical roll to play and in media. The messages we support and deliver are changing men and womens lives, changing homes, marriages, businesses and governments.

It’s a privilege to serve in a ministry that has the vision to reach the globe with the good news that God so loves the world He gave His Son as a sacrifice for each of us. And because of what he has done – we can now celebrate His life by giving our gifts back to him to serve others.

The heartbeat of Media Production is to serve. So we check our egos at the door, roll up our sleeves and serve.